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Other Pets

Pet birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, rodent and rabbits

The requirements discussed on this page concern traveling with other pets (such as pet birds, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, and rabbits) within EU countries. Travel requirements and recommendations vary depending on the species and the destination country. Unlike cats, dogs, and ferrets, there is no uniform EU legislation for the transportation of these species. Each destination country sets its own entry restrictions, which should be checked with the respective country's embassy. These pages only cover restrictions at the EU level.


Rabbits and birds in particular are very sensitive animals that may experience severe stress during travel, which could potentially lead to their death. Therefore, traveling with them is not recommended unless it is for purposes such as relocation to another country or long-term stays. The specific living conditions of exotic animals in confined spaces also pose challenges for transportation. For ectothermic animals, maintaining optimal conditions (such as temperature, light, and humidity) during transport is difficult.


Traveling with these animal species requires careful consideration, but it is still possible to transport them in various public transportations.

1. Requirements regarding the identification marking

Animals must be identified or described taking into account the species' characteristics. Commission delegated regulations specify the methods of identification and description.


The identification marking or description must be done in a way that ensures the connection between the identified animal and the identification document.

2. Animal Health Requirements

Not all animal species have defined animal disease requirements related to the transfer or importation of animals in the EU (such as rabies control for cats, dogs, and ferrets). For example, there are no disease-related requirements for insects (except bees and bumblebees), rodents, or reptiles when importing them to Finland, but their importation may be restricted by other laws: the Alien Species Act, Hunting and Fishing Act, and CITES.

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