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Terms of use

Travelpet (Business-ID: 3290222-8)


1. Application of Terms and Conditions


These general terms and conditions apply to all customers of Travelpet. To accept the terms and conditions, the customer must be at least 18 years old.


By purchasing a service from Travelpet, the customer accepts the current terms and conditions and agrees to abide by them. Anyone who has booked a service and purchased a consultation is considered as a customer, regardless of whether they are the owner, caretaker, breeder, or any other real person related to the animals in the consultation. The buyer of the service is responsible for all incurred costs. "Patient" refers to the pet of the person who has purchased veterinary services.


These terms are valid from March 1, 2023, updated on October 5, 2023. We reserve the right to unilaterally modify the terms of use from time to time, so please familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions each time you purchase the service in advance. These terms do not limit the rights granted by consumer protection laws.


2. Services, their implementation, and content


Travelpet (Business ID: 3290222-8, Eläinlääkäri Emma Puranen) offers remote travel planning and advice for traveling with pets, as well as remote veterinary services.


Travel planning and advice (referred to as "travel consultation") and remote veterinary consultations are conducted remotely at a time chosen by the customer. The customer books a consultation time through the website and receives an invitation link via email for a Zoom meeting. If the customer is unable to use Zoom, they can choose an alternative delivery method such as a traditional phone call, WhatsApp call, Facetime call, or Google Meet conference during the booking process. If the customer has chosen email as the delivery method for the travel consultation, no separate phone contact will be made.


During the consultation, the veterinarian will establish contact with the customer through one of the aforementioned methods, including the possibility of video communication if necessary. In travel consultations, customers can consult a service provider knowledgeable about traveling with pets regarding travel-related questions. The consultations may cover topics such as mandatory travel documents, the suitability of the animal for travel, matters related to equipment, questions about different modes of transportation and destinations, travel restrictions in destination countries, or any other aspects related to traveling with pets. For travel consultations, customers can provide travel-related information and questions during the booking process. In the case of travel consultations conducted via email, the customer will complete a detailed pre-consultation form during the booking process.


Remote veterinary consultations are conducted using the same method as the travel consultation. During a remote veterinary consultation, the veterinarian can provide advice on pet healthcare, assess the pet's treatment needs, and give initial or follow-up care instructions. In addition to verbal communication, the veterinarian may ask the client to turn on video or send pictures of the animal for a more detailed examination. The veterinarian may also ask the owner to check specific aspects of the animal relevant to its treatment and report them back to the veterinarian. If necessary, the remote veterinarian will guide the patient forward for further treatment at a physical veterinary clinic. The veterinarian is bound by confidentiality obligations.


The information about the customer and the pet made during the reservation is stored in Travelpet's customer and patient register. The register also includes relevant information discussed during the consultation. In the case of a remote veterinary consultation, essential information for treatment is recorded, such as the patient's name, age, species, breed, gender, as well as relevant details regarding the treatment, including medical history, symptoms, medications, differential diagnoses, treatment instructions, and follow-up care. Information is not disclosed to third parties unless specifically agreed upon with the customer. In such cases, information may be shared with another veterinarian involved in the animal's care with the customer's consent.


Travelpet reserves the right to modify the content and implementation of the services.


3. Formation of the contract


The contract is automatically formed when the customer books an appointment through the reservation system. When placing the order, the customer gives permission to receive a summary of the consultation and a feedback survey via email to the email address used during the ordering process.


By purchasing our services, you are expected to have familiarized yourself with and committed to the currently valid terms of use. You understand that the order you accepted and we confirmed automatically while booking is binding and creates a contract between us in accordance with these terms of use. Exceptions are later mentioned appointment re-scheduling and cancellation rights.


4. Registration with Travelpet


If desired, the customer can register as a user of Travelpet on the website by using their email address, Facebook account, or Google account. In doing so, the customer can save their personal information, pet details, and payment information to their own account. Registered customers can view their past and upcoming appointments from their account. Registering as a user is voluntary and does not require to purchase services. The customer is responsible for their user account credentials and ensuring that the personal account information does not fall into the hands of any third party.


The information collected during the booking process is stored in the customer register, but the customer does not have access to this information through their own account.


By registering for our service as a user, you are expected to have familiarized yourself with and committed to the currently valid terms of use.


5. Payment and payment methods


The use of Travelpet's consultation services is chargeable. The customer makes the payment in full through the website during the booking process. Accepted payment methods include most bank and credit cards, Apple Pay, and PayPal. If a customer has purchased a travel consultation service and requires veterinary advice during the consultation, Travelpet has the right to invoice the customer for the additional service according to the current price list. If the consultation time exceeds the allocated time, Travelpet has the right to invoice for the additional time according to the current price list.


If a veterinarian calls a pharmacy to prescribe medication for the animal, the customer is responsible for any additional costs incurred from the phone prescription. The customer will be verbally informed of these additional costs before the prescription is made.


The customer is responsible for any costs associated with their own payment applications, as well as bank and credit card use.


6. Order and payment confirmation


After a successful order, the customer will receive an order confirmation to their email address. The order confirmation will include the details of the appointment and instructions for establishing a remote connection. The payment method used will also be confirmed in the order confirmation. Along with the order confirmation, the customer will receive another email with instructions for the Zoom meeting, where the password provided will serve as the reservation number for the order.


If, for any reason, we need to reschedule the appointment, we will personally contact the customer.


7. Re-scheduling and cancellation of the appointment


To reschedule an appointment, please send an email to vet(at) Appointment rescheduling can be done up to 24 hours before the original appointment time. Rescheduling requests made less than 24 hours before the appointment cannot be guaranteed, and the unused appointment (not showing up) will be treated as a non-cancelled appointment. For email consultations, rescheduling or cancellations are not possible as they are promised to be delivered within 24 hours.


In the case of appointment cancellation, 50% of the service price will be refunded to the customer in the form of a gift card if the cancellation is made at least 24 hours before the original appointment. Cancellations made less than 24 hours before the appointment will not be refunded. Cancellation requests should be sent via email to vet(at) and should include the name of the booker and the pet, the appointment date, the Zoom meeting password (found in a separate email along with the booking confirmation), and the email address to which the gift card can be sent. The gift card will be delivered within 14 days of the cancellation.


If a customer arrives late for the scheduled appointment, Travelpet cannot guarantee compensation for the missed time.


8. News and marketing letter


When subscribing to a newsletter, the subscriber gives consent to receive news and marketing letters by email. Subscribing to a news and marketing letter does not obligate the customer in any way, and they can request the removal of their contact information from the marketing list at any time. The customer can request the removal of their information in accordance with the registry and privacy statement (Privacy Policy).


9. Services provided by third parties


Travelpet is delivering information from the third parties on its website. Third-party services are used for consultations, appointment scheduling, and payment transactions, for which Travelpet and the customer are independently responsible. Travelpet is not responsible for the actions, information provided, operations, services, or errors between the customer and the third party.


10. User rights and responsibilities


The customer commits to comply with Travelpet's current terms of use and accepts the content of the registry and privacy statement. The customer is responsible for all information provided to Travelpet.


The customer agrees to review the details of their order and promptly notify any errors in the information.


The customer understands that not all questions have a definitive, absolute answer.


A customer using remote veterinary services understands that a remote examination of an animal does not fully correspond to a traditional assessment of the animal's health on-site. The customer is responsible for arranging further care for the animal if it is deemed necessary during the remote consultation or if the animal's condition worsens after the consultation.


The customer is responsible for ensuring necessary travel documents during the journey.


The customer is not allowed to disclose information obtained during consultations for commercial purposes.


The customer is responsible for their own devices (such as a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) used for the consultation, updates of the programs used for the consultation (Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp, FaceTime), and the functionality of internet and phone connections.


These terms and conditions do not limit the customer's consumer rights under the consumer protection law.


11. The rights, responsibilities, and limitations of liability of Travelpet


The veterinarian operates according to the ethical guidelines for veterinarians, with the main goal of maintaining and promoting the health and well-being of animals, preventing diseases, improving health conditions, and alleviating suffering. The veterinarian always strives to provide the best possible care for the patients and adheres to the applicable legislation. Prescription medications can only be issued in accordance with the current legislation.


The veterinarian assesses the patient's condition and treatment needs to the best of their understanding and provides treatment instructions based on observations and discussions. The veterinarian is responsible for the decisions and treatment instructions made in these specific circumstances. The veterinarian is not responsible for the exacerbation of underlying conditions in the patient or the client's will to bring the animal to receive further treatment at a traditional physical clinic. The veterinarian is not responsible for the client's failure to follow the treatment instructions provided. The veterinarian only recommends treatments and further examinations that they deem necessary.


The veterinarian has a duty of confidentiality. However, information may be disclosed to authorities in accordance with applicable legislation, such as suspicions of certain notifiable animal diseases or animal welfare reasons.


Travelpet cannot guarantee the recovery of an animal based on the given treatment instructions.


Travelpet is not responsible for the accuracy of the information freely available on the website to all visitors. It is the customer's responsibility to verify the information from its original source.


Travelpet provides travel-related instructions to the best of its knowledge based on current laws, regulations, and authorities' guidelines and is responsible of the information delivered in the travel consultation. Travelpet is not responsible for any markings made in the pet passport, identification markings, health certificates, vaccinations, medications, clinical examinations, or other travel-related documents and markings that Travelpet has not personally made on those documents.


In paid travel consultations, Travelpet advises and guides customers on practical matters related to travel to the best of its knowledge and understanding, and verifies the accuracy of the information provided at that moment. However, Travelpet does not take responsibility for the accuracy of details such as the size and weight of a pet or its transport crate. It is the customer's responsibility to follow the current guidelines and ensure the suitability of the equipment used.


Travelpet is not liable for decisions made by official authorities, transportation personnel, travel organizers, accommodation providers, or other third parties.


12. Copyrights


Travelpet holds all copyrights. The images, texts, tables, logos, and other materials used on the website are produced by Travelpet and may not be copied for commercial purposes. Some images used on Travelpet's website are sourced and purchased from freely available image banks on the internet, in accordance with their respective copyrights.


13. Customer Service


Our staff is here to assist you with any questions related to your order. Please contact us primarily via email, and in case of any issues during the consultation, feel free to reach out to us by phone.



+358 44 242 5575


14. Disputes


We strive to resolve any possible disputes regarding your order through mutual agreement, so please contact our Customer Service as a first step to discuss the matter. If a dispute related to a sales agreement cannot be resolved through negotiations between the parties, the consumer may refer the matter to the Consumer Disputes Board ( for resolution. Before submitting a case to the Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer should contact the Consumer Advisory Services of the local register offices (

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